State Level VC Booking Status as on 01/07/2024
S.No.Booking DateTimeSubjectParticipantsDepartmentPhone NumberStatus
1 29/06/2024 15:00 PM To 17:00 PM Review with DAOs and DHOs DAOs and DHOs Agriculture 8885555538 Pending Confirmation
2 29/06/2024 11:00 AM To 13:00 PM VIDEO CONFERENCE ON DHARANI ALL DISTRICT COLLECTORS (33) Revenue 9581992583 Confirmed
3 25/06/2024 16:00 PM To 17:30 PM Review Meeting with District Collectors District Collectors , CDPOs & DWOs WOMEN DEVELOPMENT & CHILD WELFARE 9676235509 Confirmed
4 14/06/2024 10:00 AM To 17:30 PM Video Conference on Dharani with all the District Collectors ALL DISTRICT COLLECTORS IN STATE Revenue 9581992583 Confirmed
5 10/06/2024 17:00 PM To 19:00 PM DPOs Conference Principal Secretary PR&RD Dept, Commissioner and DPOs . Panchayat Raj 9177308323 Confirmed
6 06/06/2024 16:30 PM To 18:30 PM VC with all collectors and other concerned officers Collectors and other concerned officers Chief Secretary Office 4023452620 Confirmed
7 28/05/2024 15:30 PM To 17:30 PM Lok Sabha Elections - Preparedness and arrangements for counting of votes and reports Commissioner, GHMC and All Collectors and all 17 PC ROs; Returning Officer of 71-Secunderabad Contonment Legislative Assembly Constituency ELECTION COMMISION 23455303 Confirmed